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Let's know each other: underneath my visiting cards free!
Download my best interview ever!"
The Hidden Side Of Trading
Over the past three decades, as a financial journalist I have consistently endeavored to convey in the realm of trading what most people would rather not hear.
Do Sincerely Want To Be Rich?
This is the book of one of the most brilliant tales of financial malfeasance in the USA (you can buy it used on Amazon, author Charles Row), and this phrase encapsulates the essence of retail trading. Retail traders aim to make money quickly and swiftly. Unfortunately, this seldom happens, but all it takes is that one time to turn the exception into the rule. For over 30 years, I have consistently striven to present trading for what it truly is: a business activity like any other, characterized by costs, revenues, performance, and risk. If you don't align with this perspective, then this website is not for you.
Do Our Trading Systems Work ?
Stability and profitability. Few systems can attest to such unique characteristics. Our business ethos remains straightforward: we prioritize quality over quantity, steering clear of offering a myriad of systems akin to collecting trading cards. The harsh truth is that high-caliber trading systems are scarce, and the plethora of market offerings can sometimes lead investors astray. If you are interested in understanding how we deal with the markets via our trading systems download the TRADERS’ MAG interview underneath

About Company
Most Sold ! Trading Systems "OLDER"
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The Idea
If you are keen on leasing the Older trading systems on a closed-code basis, here are the rental financial terms:

Are You Interested In Getting Touch With Us?
About Company
For professional traders: "STABILITY"
Installation Fee: $380
The Idea
For those inclined to lease the Stability trading systems under closed-code provisions, the economic conditions are as follows:

Why We Deal Only With Customers That Own A Multicharts Or Tradestation Licence
Why Trading Systems Best Discretionary Trading
Buy here and sell there. If the indicator crosses the zero line, you go long; if the indicator falls below the zero line, then you go short. Exit on the close or earlier if the lowest low of the latest three bars is reached. Does trading fit neatly within these rules?
A Tale Of Trading Platforms
Purchasing a Tradestation (then known as SuperChart) in 1996 marked my foray into the realm of algorithmic trading. It was a pivotal moment to such an extent that for years, as the first European client of Tradestation, my name was prominently featured on the cardboard boxes of Tradestation products.
Multicharts: A Pioneering Force In Portfolio Trading
Multicharts, or portfolio trading, filled a void in the early 2000s that Tradestation had left open. This gap was bridged as Tradestation evolved into a brokerage, distinguishing itself from its former competitor, which remains accessible to all brokers.
There Are 2 Ways You Understand We Read The Same Page
Download the interview or/ and read the Harriman book first chapter and you will receive also in the following days all the columns Dr. Emilio Tomasini wrote for Traders’ Magazine … a melting pot of trading ideas you can easily exploit. Enjoy!
Download The Harriman’book First Chapter !
Trading Systems" (Harriman, 2019) by Emilio Tomasini and Urban Jaekle is one of the most sold book on trading systems development and evaluation
My 2006 Interview To TRADERS’ MAG
An interview that in 2006 greatly contributed to the rise of quantitative trading in Europe
Choose Your Package
Our offer rewards customers with a long-term approach to trading success
Upfront one – time payment-
Hardware check up
Server check up
Initial assistence
“Stability” trading system
Quartely Rent-
One contact on ES, YM, RYT each
$ 900 per quarter if profits > 0
Possibility to scale-up contracts
You leave when you like
“Older” trading system
Monthly rent-
One contract on ES
Montly recurrent payment
Possibility to scale-up contracts
You leave when you like
Our Address
Independent Media SRL - Piazza di Campitelli 2 - 00186 ROME - ITALY
Vat: IT07740680967
Italian Tax identification code: M5UXCR1